September 20, 2024
Press Release

California’s Leading Latino Groups Urge Voter Support for Proposition 35 to Protect Medi-Cal Patients

For Immediate Release
September 20, 2024


SACRAMENTO, Calif. — In response to the growing health care crisis in California’s rural and underserved Latino communities, leading organizations like the Dolores Huerta Foundation, Latinx Physicians of California, LULAC, and the Latino Caucus of California Counties have endorsed Proposition 35 on the November 2024 ballot.

The measure will address California’s most urgent health care needs by protecting and expanding access to care and funding California’s Medicaid system (Medi-Cal)—without raising taxes on individuals.
While Latinos comprise 40 percent of California’s population and produce over $706 billion in gross domestic product, they are more likely to live in poverty and face poorer health outcomes.
“Every day, we see the systemic barriers our community faces to access preventative and specialty health services,” said Camila Chavez, Executive Director of the Dolores Huerta Foundation. “More than 50% of the South San Joaquin Valley’s residents rely on Medi-Cal for their health coverage. An overstretched system and chronic underfunding have only been made worse by the state’s decision to redirect $30 billion in health care funding to other uses over the last 15 years. Proposition 35 will secure resources so our communities can receive the care they desperately need and deserve.”

Latinos represent over 51% of Medi-Cal enrollees, which provides essential medical and dental care for some of California’s most vulnerable populations, including low-income families (nearly three in four Latinos), people with disabilities, and half of the state’s children.

“Proposition 35 is a game-changer for health care equity in California, especially for Latinos,” said James Cruz, M.D., Board Chair ofLatinx Physicians of California. “Voting yes will help our state build a health care workforce that reflects our diversity and create a system where all Californians can receive proper care.”

Proposition 35 will better support Medi-Cal patients by providing permanent funding–that can’t be redirected—to community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, primary care, family planning, mental health providers, OB/GYNs, and specialty care providers like cancer and cardiology. 

Proposition 35 will also invest in training programs to increase the number of doctors, nurses, and caregivers treating patients—critically important since Latinos represent only six percent of the state’s physicians and eight of the state’s medical school graduates.

Proposition 35 contains strong accountability requirements, including mandating that 99% of revenues must go to patient care and requiring annual independent performance audits to ensure funds are spent effectively and as intended.

“With a disproportionate number of Latinos in California relying on Medi-Cal for access to health care, it is essential to ensure the program is properly funded so that equitable access to care is a reality,” said Jacob Sandoval, State Director of the California League of United Latin American Citizens. “We are proud to support Prop 35 because it will help provide better access to care for Latinos across the state.”

Proposition 35 is supported by a large, bi-partisan coalition that includes nurses, health care workers, first responders, physicians, dentists, hospitals, Planned Parenthood, community health centers, social justice organizations and both the CA Democratic and Republican Parties because it will improve access to health care for ALL California patients.

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The Yes on Prop 35 Coalition is a group of physicians, hospitals, health care workers, community health centers, Planned Parenthood, dentists, and emergency responders dedicated to increasing access to health care.

The Dolores Huerta Foundation is a nonprofit organization that engages and empowers underrepresented and under-resourced communities to exercise their democratic rights and improve their quality of life.

The Latinx Physicians of California (LPOC) supports Latinx physicians and mentees through education, advocacy, and health policy for health equity, optimal health, and quality of life for all Californians. LPOC was established in 2011 to address concerns that, while Latinxs represent the largest ethnic group in California, access to the positive social determinants in life has continued to elude them. 

Established in 1929, LULAC is the largest & oldest Latino organization in the United States. Founded in response to the denial of basic civil and human rights for Latinos, LULAC now empowers its members to continue advocating for their rights and creating opportunities to improve their communities.

The Latino Caucus of California Counties encourages the engagement and involvement of its board and membership, works to provide solutions to issues and concerns, promotes Latino leaders, provides value to the California State Association of Counties as well as to the Latino communities which they serve, and finally they work in a cooperative manner within the California State Association of Counties and other areas of interest to all Californians.