Protect and Improve Care for all Patients
Prop 35 will address our health care crisis by securing dedicated resources to protect and expand patient access to care at community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, primary care, family planning, mental health providers and specialty care providers like cancer, cardiology and OB/GYN. Prop 35 will also reduce emergency response times by funding first responders and paramedics.
Ensure Dedicated Funding to Improve Care
Prop 35 secures ongoing revenue by extending an existing tax on health insurance companies – without raising taxes on individuals – and dedicates these funds to protect and expand access to care for all Californians. Prop 35 permanently extends this revenue source that will otherwise expire in 2026.
Improve Health Care Access for the Most Vulnerable
More than 15 million children, low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities rely on Medi-Cal for their health coverage. But lack of adequate funding means Medi-Cal patients must wait months to see primary care doctors or cardiologists, cancer doctors, pediatric specialists or orthopedists. Prop 35 will ensure that the most vulnerable among us have equitable access to health care and get an appointment with a doctor or specialist when they need it.
Fund Health Care Worker Training
Prop. 35 expands our state’s education and training programs to create a pipeline of health care workers and providers, including nurses, mental health providers, physician assistants, dentists and medical assistants.
Impose Strict Accountability
Prop 35 prevents the state from redirecting these funds for non-health care purposes. And the measure requires that 99% of the revenues must go to patient care, capping administrative expenses at 1%. Lastly, the measure requires ongoing independent financial audits to ensure funds are spent effectively and as intended.