July 11, 2024
Press Release

Central Valley Health Care Leaders, Local Businesses and Community Health Centers Urge ‘Yes’ Vote on Proposition 35

For Immediate Release
July 11, 2024

CONTACT: Press@VoteYes35.com

Prop 35 will help address the Central Valley’s most urgent health care priorities

Fresno, CA – Local physicians, business leaders, hospitals, community health centers, emergency responders and hundreds of other organizations are calling on voters to support Proposition 35 on the November ballot. The initiative will address our region’s most urgent health care problems by significantly expanding access to quality care.

“As an ear, nose and throat specialist practicing in Fresno, I know first hand how hard it is for patients to find specialty care in the Central Valley,” said Jennifer Davies, MD, President of the Fresno-Madera Medical Society. “Proposition 35 will provide funding that we need, so that patients won’t have to wait weeks or months to get the care they so deserve.”

The measure secures ongoing revenue by extending an existing levy on health insurance companies set to expire in 2026 – without raising taxes – and dedicates these funds to protect and expand access to care at community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms and with primary care, family planning, mental health providers, OB/GYNs and specialty care providers like cancer and cardiology.

“With some of the highest Medi-Cal rates across the state, community health centers are pivotal in ensuring people have access to the care they need and deserve,” said Kerry L. Hydash, Board Chair of the Central Valley Health Network. “Community health centers are the backbone of our community and Prop 35 will ensure we are able to stay open and expand the essential care we offer to California’s most vulnerable.”

More than 15 million vulnerable Californians rely on Medi-Cal for health insurance coverage, including more than 50% of all children in the state as well as low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities. But lack of adequate and ongoing funding means Medi-Cal patients must often wait months to see primary care doctors or cardiologists, pediatric specialists or orthopedists. Prop 35 will expand access to care for low-income families, the elderly, and children on Medi-Cal who currently have a difficult time getting the care they need.

“When people have access to health care, the whole community thrives, which is why we are proud supporters of Proposition 35,” said Clint Olivier, Executive Director, Central Valley Business Federation (BizFed). “The current health care crisis means doctors’ offices are closing, hospitals are shuttering and health care workers are being laid off, all which have devastating impacts on the health of our community and our local economy. Prop 35 will provide dedicated funding to protect and improve our health care system.”

Prop 35 prevents the state from redirecting these funds for other purposes and contains strong accountability requirements, including mandating that 99% of revenues must go to patient care and requiring annual independent performance audits to ensure funds are spent effectively and as intended.

For more information, visit https://voteyes35.com/

About the Yes on Prop 35 Coalition
The Yes on Prop 35 Coalition is a group of physicians, hospitals, health care workers, community health centers, Planned Parenthood, dentists, and emergency responders dedicated to increasing access to health care.