August 13, 2024
Press Release

Broad Coalition Supporting Proposition 35 Urges Voters to Say Yes in November

For Immediate Release
August 13, 2024


Members of the Yes on Prop 35 campaign gathered in Sacramento for the joint legislative informational hearing on the measure

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — Today, health care leaders from across California joined in Sacramento for the joint legislative informational hearing on Proposition 35, stressing the importance of the measure to protect and expand patient access to health care in California.

“California’s health care system is being stretched to the breaking point,” said Rakesh Patel, MD, family physician and CEO of Neighborhood Healthcare, which serves over 100,000 patients in Southern California. “Increased hospital closures, overcrowded emergency rooms, and the state’s redirection of more than $30 billion in health care funding to non-health care purposes are producing poorer health outcomes and widening health disparities. Voting yes on Prop 35 will ensure our patients receive treatments sooner, have improved access to providers, and ultimately experience better health and well-being.”

“Over 80% of our patients access health care through Medi-Cal, so we see firsthand how inadequate funding has led to lack of access for patients in communities across California,” said Jodi Hicks, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, which serves 1.3 million Californians annually in over 100 health centers. “Prop 35 will ensure that the most vulnerable among us have equitable access to health care and can get an appointment with a doctor or specialist when they need it.”

Physicians emphasized how the ballot measure will help the state deliver on its promise of timely, affordable, and quality health care for all Californians, especially for the over 15 million children, low-income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities who rely on Medi-Cal.

“California’s inadequate health care funding means at least 40 percent of the state’s residents who rely on Medi-Cal must wait months to see primary care doctors, cardiologists, oncologists, pediatric specialists, orthopedists and other specialists,” said Donaldo Hernandez, MD, internist and Immediate Past President of the California Medical Association, representing over 50,000 physicians from all modes of practice and specialty.“Prop 35 represents the most important investment in California’s health care in our state’s history. Access equals equity, which must be the foundational compass guiding us forward.”

Prop 35 will address California’s health care crisis by securing dedicated funding – without raising taxes — to protect and expand patient access to care at community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, primary care, family planning, mental health providers and specialty care providers like oncologists, cardiologists and OB/GYNs. Prop 35 will also reduce emergency response times by funding first responders and paramedics.

“California’s 21 public hospitals are essential in providing care to underserved communities. We are an essential safety net whose mandate is to provide care to everyone regardless of insurance status, immigration status, ability to pay or other circumstances” said Paul Lorenz, CEO of Santa Clara Valley Healthcare. “We fear that these hospitals may face closures like others across the state, reducing access and care where it is needed most. We need Prop 35 to keep hospitals open and treating patients.”

Specifically, Prop 35:

  • Provides dedicated resources to improve patient care – without raising taxes 
  • Supports care for 15 million Californians on Medi-Cal, including half of all children in the state
  • Prevents the state from redirecting health care funding for non-health care purposes 
  • Imposes strong accountability standards, requiring that 99% of the revenues must go to patient care. It caps administrative expenses at 1%. Lastly, the measure requires ongoing independent financial audits to ensure funds are spent effectively and as intended 

“Proposition 35 represents a historic opportunity to bring stability to an ailing network that serves half of all children in the state and will bring the certainty and predictability needed to improve access within the Medi-Cal program,” said Erin Kelly, Executive Director, Children’s Specialty Care Coalition. “Young people with complex health conditions face unparalleled challenges in trying to find pediatric specialists and Prop 35 will provide the funding and workforce training to finally give them the care they deserve.”  

For more information, visit

About the Yes on Prop 35 Coalition 
The Yes on Prop 35 Coalition is a group of physicians, hospitals, health care workers, community health centers, Planned Parenthood, dentists, and emergency responders dedicated to increasing access to health care.