October 23, 2024
Press Release

Counties Across California Support Proposition 35 

For Immediate Release
October 23, 2024

CONTACT: Press@VoteYes35.com

Counties where more than half of all Medi-Cal patients in the state reside have voted to support Prop 35, which will protect and expand access to care

SACRAMENTO, CA – Counties that represent more than 50 percent of Medi-Cal patients in the state have voted to support Proposition 35. In all, more than a dozen California counties have endorsed the measure. Counties play a critical role delivering health services to Medi-Cal patients.

Proposition 35 is supported by more than 400 organizations across California. 

Nearly 15 million Californians, including HALF of all children, seniors, low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities rely on Medi-Cal for their health insurance. Because of chronic underfunding in Medi-Cal, many of these patients are waiting months to access providers for their health care needs. 

“With more than a third of Santa Barbara County residents relying on Medi-Cal for health insurance, it’s more important than ever to ensure that the program is funded and patients have access to care,” said Das Williams, Santa Barbara Supervisor. “Medi-Cal patients deserve equitable access to care and Prop 35 will help make that happen. We are proud to join our county supervisor colleagues across the state in supporting the measure. Let’s get out and vote YES on Prop 35.” 

With this week’s resolution in support of Prop 35 from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, counties representing more than 50 percent of Medi-Cal patients now support the measure, including*: 

  • Alameda County Board of Supervisors
  • Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
  • Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
  • Kings County Board of Supervisors
  • Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
  • Marin County Board of Supervisors
  • Monterey County Board of Supervisors
  • Napa County Board of Supervisors
  • Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
  • San Diego County Board of Supervisors 
  • Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors
  • San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors
  • Tulare County Board of Supervisors 

In addition to the counties listed above, the Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) has endorsed Prop 35. 

“In Los Angeles County, more than 41 percent of residents rely on Medi-Cal for their health coverage. In Tulare County, that number is upwards of 63 percent,” said Francisco Silva, CEO of the California Primary Care Association, representing more than 1,300 community clinics statewide. “As entities that deliver vital health care services, counties know that Prop 35 will help ensure Medi-Cal enrollees have access to the care they need.” 

Proposition 35 will address California’s most urgent health care priorities by securing dedicated, ongoing funding – without raising taxes on individuals – to protect and expand access to care at primary care and specialty care physicians, community health clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, family planning and mental health providers.

Prop 35 extends an existing levy on health insurance companies that will otherwise expire in 2026 and prevents the state from redirecting these funds for non-healthcare purposes. The measure guarantees billions in health care dollars are spent as they were intended – on treating patients, capping administrative costs at 1%, and ensuring the remaining 99% is spent directly on expanding access to health care. Lastly, Prop 35 requires annual independent performance audits to ensure funds are spent effectively and as intended.

For more information, visit voteyes35.com

*Detailed county Medi-Cal statistics can be found here

Vote Yes on Prop 35 on or before November 5th to protect access to care for 15 million Medi-Cal patients.
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